Our Story

About us

Skincare that gives you safe, healthy, yet effective results.

Dr. Brian Jegasothy

Dr. Jegasothy selected hyaluronic acid as the primary healing and hydrating agent. The team used high molecular weight ( 2 million Dalton) pharmaceutical-grade Hyaluronic Acid that holds 1000 times weight in water and saturate the skin with hydration and retains the essential dissolved oxygen for wound healing. Hyaluronic acid super hydrated improves texture, minimizes itching, improves desquamation, minimizes scabbing and Minimizes acne/ millia formation compared to occlusive petrolatum in laser resurfaced skin. 

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Dr. Lingam

Since 1988, he has integrated the anti-inflammatory principels of Ancient Ayurveda with inflammatory and free radical science of the west to provide result oriented, practical, free radical neutralizing and anti-inflammatory formulations with Dr. Jegasothy.

The HYMED story

In 1988, Dermatology Research Scientist from the University of Pittsburgh created Hymed Skincare based on the findings of the research conducted by his high-profile research team over several years. They discovered that Inflammation is the root cause of premature skin aging and many chronic diseases. They found that the aging process of human skin can be slowed down by preventing and minimizing skin inflammation and that is indeed the focus of Hymed skincare – to keep you looking young even as you physically age.

Hymed Skincare is the first physician focused skin care line built around the proven properties of hyaluronic acid (HA), the most powerful humectant known. Hymed is a unique collection of plant-powered, science-driven, and anti-inflammatory skin care products that uses high concentrations of hyaluronic acid in all its products to help healing through hydration. Hymed incorporates the highest quality, professional grade, non-inflammatory ingredients including plant stem cells, peptides, antioxidants, and vitamins in the state-of-the-art penetration formulation to deliver powerful results.

Previously sold only through physicians’ offices, Hymed is now available for purchase directly through this website.

Heals, Repairs & Hydrates

Hymed uses a high percentage of hyaluronic acid solution to help heal, repair, and hydrate the skin. We set ourselves apart with our liquid crystal formulation. Our unique formulation with hyaluronic acid solution helps our water-soluble ingredients penetrate the deeper layers of the skin, thus producing extraordinary results. Hymed’s cutting-edge liquid crystal formulation is the key to our clinical results.

minimizes Inflammation

Hymed focuses on minimizing inflammation. Hymed’s formulations are completely free of inflammatory and irritating ingredients. We have formulated skin care products with anti-inflammatory agents and antioxidants in high concentrations to penetrate and deliver clinical results. In addition, with the help of hyaluronic acid, our products can help repair wounded skin, such as post-operative and post-laser damage, burns, or radiated skin. Furthermore, the hydration from the hyaluronic acid solution will help to minimize scabbing and healing complications.

Liquid crystal technology

Hyaluronic acid is the most effective topical humectant currently available today and for the past 30 years; more effective in its water retention properties than glycerin, sorbitol, and collagen. Holding up to 1000 times its weight in water, hyaluronic acid is a natural key component of the dermis. It effectively binds water to cells and is responsible for the elasticity and resilience of the skin. In addition, its ability to associate with lipids in skin surface cell membranes greatly enhances its ability to deliver its retained water and enriches its property of reducing transepidermal water loss. Thus, the addition of hyaluronic acid is vital in a skincare line for its exceptional efficacy.

Physicians Testimonials

Whatever we say is the truth, nothing but the whole truth


The Pillars of our truth

Hymed’s sensible Green philosophy – Balanced approach and not to go to  extremes.

We avoid the use of harsh, toxic chemicals in our products.

We use shipping peanuts that are biodegradable and dissolve in water.

We give our customers the freedom to choose to receive their products without the outside boxes.

We contribute a portion of our proceeds towards planting trees and reforestation.

Our procurement team makes sure we are not using ingredients derived from endangered plant species.

We’re working to significantly reduce the use of plastic in our products.

We are cruelty-free. Not only do we not test on animals; our product is so safe that we test on ourselves! We have agreements with all our suppliers that they do not do animal testing.

We have eliminated single-use plastics from our office.

All our products are produced at our own plant in Henderson, Nevada.

To reduce the consumption of non-renewable energy, we use skylight in our warehouse and production areas. Where we have to use electric lights, we only use energy efficient ones.

We do all our sales activities remotely, thus avoiding extensive air and road travel for our sales staff and thereby reducing our carbon footprint.

All our products are GMO-free.

We do not print hard copy documents in our offices unless it’s absolutely necessary – for daily work we use digital files.

We reuse all non-recyclable stationery used in our office.


The Pillars of our truth